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This game is pretty cute. I like the music and the character designs. I also like how the MC's hair bounces when she walks. I do wish I could've talked to the NPCs while heading to the garden and the game also broke for me when the monsters appear. Overall pretty good game

(2 edits)

Hey ShadySlim!! Thank you for playing our game and for your feedback! We are currently working on fixing all the bugs to keep it from breaking. We will be releasing the full version of the demo very soon. About talking to the NPCs...come back to play the full demo (☆ω☆)


i feel bad for secta, he seems really sweet but the mc has no patience for him :( i hope she's nicer to him in the rest oif the game. the sprite art is really nice, i like the character designs a lot! the chunky bl;ue rooves in the town are very aesthetically pleasing, they remind me of old school rpgs.

also i hit a game breaking bug when the monsters appeared, the game would no longer progress even after i restarted and skipped to that segment. please add -rats in the full demo

-tomato rat


Thank you! We're working on fixing the bugs! If you want to stay updated, please follow our insta or tiktok ♥


if the bug gets fixed i would love to finish playing the demo. as previously states i hope thee are rats in there. goofnight

-tomato rat


We'll see what we can do about the rats in the art department!